Disciplinary matters (non-academic) - CS102307

A student was disciplined after the fire alarm in their room was disabled by their partner. The provider decided that this was a breach of the Accommodation Terms and Conditions. The student was fined £500 and their accommodation contract was terminated, with a ban on re-applying in the future. The student appealed this sanction as they considered it was too harsh. The provider rejected the appeal.

Harassment and sexual misconduct - CS042309

A former student complained to the provider about the behaviour of a member of academic staff several years earlier. The student said the staff member had coerced them into a sexual relationship, which continued after they had graduated.

Harassment and sexual misconduct - CS042310

Student A was accused by another student, Student B, of sexual assault. Student B complained to the provider that Student A had sex with them when they were too intoxicated to give consent.

Harassment and sexual misconduct - CS042311

A student was accused of inappropriate behaviour by several other students. Two students said that the student had touched them inappropriately and without consent and other students said that the student had made them feel uncomfortable by frequently entering their personal space during gym sessions, and waiting for them outside the gym.

Academic misconduct - CS022307

A final-year undergraduate student was suspected of plagiarism in an essay and asked to attend a disciplinary panel hearing.

Academic misconduct - CS022308

An international student was invited to a disciplinary panel after a large proportion of their essay was found to be identical in content and structure to a previous student’s submission in the same module.

Academic misconduct - CS022302

A postgraduate student was suspected of plagiarism and poor academic practice in two essays submitted in the previous academic year.

Academic misconduct - CS022311

A student was on a taught postgraduate programme and had to take an 24-hour open-book exam for one module. Following the exam, the provider told the student that it was investigating them for contract cheating.

Coronavirus - CS072109

A student and some of their housemates organised a party held in the accommodation they were renting from their higher education provider. The party was attended by several students from other residences.

Coronavirus - CS032107

An international student was self-isolating in their student accommodation, having returned from their home country. During their self-isolation a friend visited their room.