Coronavirus - CS032108

A student was given a fine by their provider for breaching its code of conduct, and government restrictions on social distancing introduced during the coronavirus pandemic.

Disciplinary procedures (non-academic) - CS082001

Several students in a Halls of Residence got into a dispute about noise. Over the course of an evening, a number of messages were exchanged via a group WhatsApp chat, which included offensive language and explicit sexual content.

Disciplinary procedures (non-academic) - CS041903

An undergraduate Student A complained that they had been intimidated and bullied by Student B. The provider carried out a complaint investigation, and then also used its Student Disciplinary Procedure to investigate the matter separately.

Disciplinary procedures (academic) - CS041901

A student was studying at a college for a degree awarded by a university. In their final year the student was accused of hiring or arranging for another person to sit one of their exams.

Disciplinary procedures (academic) - CS041902

An international student on a taught postgraduate course admitted to using unauthorised notes in an exam. In mitigation, they said they had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression by a UK doctor and provided evidence from a practitioner in traditional medicine.

Disciplinary procedures (non-academic) - CS041904

An international student was reported to the police for an alleged assault on another student. The provider suspended the student, but made arrangements for them to sit their final assessments.

Student mental health - CS041909

After some time away from study, a student living with long term mental health conditions returned to their course. They provided medical evidence that they were fit to return.