Coronavirus - CS112003

A student was studying an evening course at a further education college and complained to us about disruption caused by their college closing during the coronavirus lockdown.

Coronavirus - CS112004

A student made an academic appeal to the provider on the basis of mitigating circumstances relating to their mental health. The student had been unable to access support services and practical elements of their course had been disrupted because of the coronavirus lockdown.

Coronavirus - CS112006

A student complained to their provider about the disruption to their studies resulting from industrial action, and the coronavirus lockdown. The student wanted financial compensation or a fee refund.

Coronavirus - CS112007

A student failed a resit exam at their final attempt. They made an academic appeal to the provider after the deadline for appeals, on the ground that they had new evidence which for good reason they had not submitted earlier.

Coronavirus - CS112008

A student complained to their provider that their studies had been disrupted by industrial action which caused them to miss teaching and that they missed out on more teaching as a result of the move to online lessons during the coronavirus lockdown.

Coronavirus - CS112010

A small group of students were studying for a health-related course with practical elements. They complained to their provider about the quality and delivery of their studies in the first year and disruption during the second year caused by industrial action and lockdown.

Disciplinary procedures (non-academic) - CS082001

Several students in a Halls of Residence got into a dispute about noise. Over the course of an evening, a number of messages were exchanged via a group WhatsApp chat, which included offensive language and explicit sexual content.

Consumer rights issues - CS082003

A student complained to their provider that the information on its website was misleading.