Postgraduate students - CS062402

A PhD student complained to their provider that they were being bullied by their supervisor and that the situation was impacting their mental health.

Postgraduate students - CS062406

An international PhD student was being sponsored by the government in their home country. When they submitted their thesis, it was not successful.

Academic appeal - CS052401

A student made an academic appeal against a fail grade for a practical exam involving interaction with patients in a healthcare setting (an OSCE).

Academic appeal - CS052403

A student submitted their assignment online, four minutes after the submission deadline.

International student - CS052405

After two assessment opportunities, an international student was successful in some modules but unsuccessful in others.

Placement - CS032406

An undergraduate teaching student’s placement was due to be completed in two parts. Between the two placement periods the student’s mentor had asked to temporarily pause supporting the student with lesson planning because of their own personal circumstances.

Placement - CS032407

An operating department practice student had been given a second attempt at a placement because not all of their first-year practice competencies had been signed off. The student was later withdrawn from the programme because they did not pass their second attempt.

Accommodation - CS012406

A student had to move out of accommodation A so the provider could make fire safety improvements to the building. The student was offered £500 for any disruption caused and they were told they could be released from their tenancy agreement if they were unhappy with the alternative accommodation offered.

Disciplinary matters (non-academic) - CS102301

A student, Student A, was unhappy with the actions of Student B in their role as a student union officer. Student A spoke with Student B on two occasions in a week about their dissatisfaction. After these conversations Student B complained to the provider that Student A’s behaviour had been threatening.

Disciplinary matters (non-academic) - CS102302

A PhD student’s access to some of the provider’s laboratories was suspended after incidents that may have posed a health and safety risk to the student and others.